Sunday, March 04, 2007

What I'm doing now

Last night I went grocery shopping. I go to Super WalMart because it's generally cheaper than Wegmans. The only problem is, it's WalMart. I ended up buying this cheap (read under $20) side table for my living room, and a cheap (read under $15) lamp for the table. I've been meaning to do this for some time, but just haven't really found anything I liked until last night. When I was looking to see what bulb it used I noticed they have these new bulbs that are supposed to be cheaper to use and last longer than regular bulbs. I sure hope so at $4 a pop. Anyways, I figured, any way to pinch a penny, even if it cost more up front.

I have started using Pearbudget. It's an program you can download and use in excel to budget your money. You list out what you buy each day, and what your income is. It basically calculates everything for you, all you have to do is save your receipts.

I've looked into getting a second job again. Bartending or waitressing is looking like a good option. I'm going to a local hotel today to apply for both and see where that gets me. Trouble is, as a PT student, I might not get the best hours available. We'll see, I guess.

Where am I going with all of this? Well, I'm trying to save money in an emergency fund. Currently, I don't have one. I mean, I have a couple of checking accounts, but not enough money in them to qualify them as an emergency fund. All the money I make at this new second job, whatever it ends up being, will go to the fund. I'm already contributing to a 401K, I'm already saving $100/month in my interest bearing ING Electric Orange checking account. Now I just have to start putting money in my Patelco CU account.

Anyways, I need to save money, pay off these credit cards, and start thinking about paying off my student loans.

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